For Roadside Assistance, Edmonton Drivers Depend on Bruce Stewart's Auto Repair Centre
Bruce Stewart’s Auto Repair has joined forces with Custom Auto Carriers to bring you our Automotive Maintenance Program.
When you sign up for a yearly membership, you will receive a card entitling you to:
Membership Cost: $ 189.95 + GST for 1 year (This includes most cars & trucks)
What Does Roadside Assistance Include?
With our roadside assistance, Edmonton drivers can receive all of the following for one year, at no charge.
Lockout Service
Getting locked out of a car can happen to anyone. You may lose your keys due to a mishap or theft. Your key may break off in a door, the trunk, or the ignition. In some older vehicles, it's even possible to lock your keys in your car.
With our lockout service, we can help you in any of these situations to open and start your car.
You can avoid needing a boost by making sure that you keep your lights and radio off when you leave your car. This is easier said than done — it’s not uncommon for drivers to forget and to return to find their car battery is dead. Your car may also fail to start simply due to cold weather, which is out of your control and frankly a fact of life in Edmonton.
Instead of taking a risk and assuming that this will never happen to you, it’s better to be prepared. With our service, a professional will come and boost your car. This is safer than trying to do it yourself, not to mention priceless if you’re stuck somewhere without a friend to help you.
Flat Tire Changes
If you own a car for long enough, you’re probably going to have a flat tire at some point. Many people learn how to change a tire, but it's still a messy job. Plus, flats often happen in inconvenient places, meaning it can even be dangerous to get out of your car and try to fix it yourself.
With roadside assistance, you can wait in the comfort and safety of your vehicle for us to reach you. Someone from our team will have your tire changed and you back on the road quickly.
Gas Delivery
If you’ve never run out of gas before, count yourself lucky. Unless you always pay close attention to the fuel gauge, and never decide to drive a little further to save time or to see if you can find cheaper gas further on, you may need a gas delivery service.
We provide gas delivery throughout Edmonton. This can mean the difference between abandoning your car to walk to the next gas station and continuing your journey with barely a delay.
Your car could also suffer a more serious problem at any time without warning. If you are in an accident, you run off the road due to snow or ice, or your car has a mechanical failure, it could be dangerous to keep driving. With our towing service, we will bring your vehicle to our Edmonton shop quickly.
Who Should Get Roadside Assistance?
To decide whether our service would be a good option for you, consider the following:
How long you’ve been driving
If you’re a new driver, you likely lack the experience to handle problems. If you’ve been driving many years, you may feel confident about your abilities to avoid disasters, but the truth is that all of the problems we mentioned can happen to anyone.
In other words, whether you’ve been driving a few months or several decades, roadside assistance will be beneficial to you.
How much you want to save
You can take a risk and pay for services as you need them, but chances are you’ll end up spending much more.
The age of your car
Some issues our service covers are more likely to happen to older vehicles. Others — like being locked out of your vehicle, flat tires, and running out of gas — are equally probable for new cars, meaning a membership for our program will still be beneficial.
How you use your car
If you commute to work every day in Edmonton, you’re more likely to run into problems just due to frequent usage. Driving in an area like Edmonton, where there can be unpredictable weather conditions, can also put you at higher risk of having issues with your vehicle.
How flexible you are
If you value your time and money, sign up for our cost-effective and super convenient Car Maintenance Program.